How MagneticShul enriches the lives of your congregants!
Discover the different ways professional and lay members can engage children and families

As Rabbi
For Rabbis, as crafters of the sanctuary space, MagneticShul can help you create a place that is welcoming to youth. Imagine children sitting playing with MagneticShul as they sit with praying parents. Children can pick up MagneticShul sets that are stored on shelves as they enter shul or bring their own sets, which they received on becoming a new member from home.
As Membership Chair
For Families, MagneticShul is a transitional object that excites the youth to come to shul, prepared to participate, just like a parent grabs their tallit and snack bag, the child is ready. MagneticShul provides families with a shared experience that the child directs to learn together.
MagneticShul can be offered to families as a new member gift or to siblings on becoming older siblings. Or as a graduation present for completing the early childhood center or kindergarten. MagneticShul will invite and engage the child to return to the synagogue and be present and involved.

As Educator
For Educators, there are opportunities that children, elementary age through high school, can use MagneticShul to learn and explore the synagogue space. In the classroom, children can make stop motion movies with the choreography and provide audio of the t’filot. MagneticShul provides discussion or writing prompts and can be used for a variety of games to facilitate learning.